Galleries 50
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This gallery contains a series of films which have been added during 2020-2021. Lockdown has provided the time to develop new skills, and a series of interviews carried out by Pam Schweitzer with Blackheath residents reminiscing about their lives in Blackheath decades ago seemed perfect material to match up with images from the archive.

I've followed this up with short films which can be used on social media to market Neil Rhind's long anticipated Volume III of his Blackheath Village & Environs series which details the development of Blackheath in the parishes of Lewisham and Lee.

Blake Morrison

Visitors 6
3 videos
Created 11-Apr-24
Modified 11-Apr-24

Neil Rhind, MBE.

Galleries 16
Modified 10-Mar-24
22 videos

Pam Schweitzer

Galleries 26
Modified 11-Apr-24
29 videos

Society Ads

Galleries 7
Modified 9-Mar-24
30 photos
Society Ads