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Created 21-Jun-21
65 photos

These images contain edited versions of taped interviews conducted in 2001/2002 by Clare Summerskill and Pam Schweitzer.

They were part of an exhibition entitled "Blackheath Remembers" held at Age Exchange. The exhibition contained many objects donated by local people reflecting past hobbies and interests, a display of memories on walls which were extracts from longer stories given during taped intervuews, many photographs of Blackheath Village life, signs from local shops painted by Steve Bronson from records of the originals and the computerised Community Archive displaying the written and spoken memories and photos of local people.

When Pam left Age Exchange, this archive was thrown away by the organisation but the files have been restored and reconstructed by Allan Griffin, and now form the basis of several short films which can be seen in the "films" section of the BS archive.
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Categories & Keywords
Category:Lifestyle and Recreation
Subcategory:Urban Life
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Age, Exchange, Pam, Schweitzer