Galleries 33
Collections 0
Groups 1
When so many population centres have a depressing 'sameness' about them brought about by inconsiderate and thoughtless architectural redevelopment, often by big commercial chains, Blackheath retains an originality and charm that many admire and envy.

This is is due in no small effort to the Blackheath Society, one of the oldest amenity societies in the country, which was set up in 1937, and whose supporters recognised early on that if Blackheath was not to go a similar way, powerful developers would have to be resisted strongly and the voice of the local population heard loudly.

While the origins of Blackheath Village remain firmly in the early part of the C19th and earlier, subsequent redevelopment (and there has been a great deal since the Second World War) has not taken away a unique charm which makes it an enviable place in which to live, shop or visit.

For Italian Speakers, there is a review of Blackheath at: .

Most of the images derive from the work of Neil Rhind who, over the course of many years, built a comprehensive image archive of Blackheath and the surrounding area. He has written the definitive history of Blackheath - "Blackheath Village & Environs" in 2 Volumes- which provides most of the text which accompanies the photos. Any errors rest with me, Allan Griffin, not with Neil.

Volume I of Neil's book, Blackheath Village & Environs (The Village and Blackheath Vale) is available from The Bookshop on the Heath, 74 Tranquil Vale, Blackheath, SE3 0BW (ISBN 0 9505136 5 2), 1993.

Volume II, Blackheath Village & Environs (Wricklemarsh and the Cator estate, Kidbrooke-Westcombe & The Angerstein Encroachment is sadly out of print.

Volume III, Blackheath Village & Environs (Lewisham Parish and Lee parish) is the most recent volume, published in 2021. It is available from the Society Office or from Blackheath bookshops, priced at £20.00

In addition, there are 2 smaller publications, co-authored by Neil Rhind and Roger Marshall:

"Walking the Village - An Introduction to its History" (ISBN: 978-0-9565327-6-3)

"Walking the Heath - An Introduction to its History" (ISBN: 978-0-9565327-4-9)

Most publications are available from the Blackheath Society office at

Thanks are due to Sue Shields, Helen Doris, Jo Swadkin and Hilary Weedon who have spent many hours titling and tagging.

Finally, our thanks and gratitude go the the countless number of often unattributed photographers who have left such a wonderful legacy of the history of Blackheath Village.

We are very keen to acknowledge credit where we can possibly do so.

0003. Blackheath Station, Chapman House

Visitors 144
28 photos
Created 26-Mar-24
Modified 26-Mar-24
0003. Blackheath Station, Chapman House

00036. Martin House

Visitors 315
94 photos
Created 11-Apr-24
Modified 11-Apr-24
00036. Martin House

00037. Tranquil Vale West - Nos 3-21

Visitors 330
80 photos
Created 22-Sep-24
Modified 22-Sep-24
00037. Tranquil Vale West - Nos 3-21

00038. Tranquil Vale West - Nos 23-49

Visitors 436
117 photos
Created 13-Apr-24
Modified 13-Apr-24
00038. Tranquil Vale West - Nos 23-49

00040. Tranquil Vale - Nos 16 - 20

Visitors 282
48 photos
Created 22-Sep-24
Modified 22-Sep-24
00040. Tranquil Vale - Nos 16 - 20

00041. Tranquil Vale - Nos 22 - 34, Osborne Place, Montpelier Vale - Nos 2 - 10

Visitors 445
58 photos
Created 19-May-24
Modified 19-May-24
00041. Tranquil Vale - Nos 22 - 34, Osborne Place, Montpelier Vale - Nos 2 - 10

00042. Tranquil Vale - Nos 32 - 74

Visitors 444
70 photos
Created 7-Aug-24
Modified 7-Aug-24
00042. Tranquil Vale - Nos 32 - 74

00043. Montpelier Vale - Nos 1 - 23

Visitors 268
40 photos
Created 24-Apr-24
Modified 24-Apr-24
00043. Montpelier Vale - Nos 1 - 23

00039. The Crown

Visitors 201
31 photos
Created 22-Sep-24
Modified 22-Sep-24
00039. The Crown

00044. Montpelier Vale, Nos 25-37

Visitors 169
34 photos
Created 26-Feb-24
Modified 26-Feb-24
00044. Montpelier Vale, Nos 25-37

00045. Royal Parade & 37-49 Montpelier Vale

Visitors 323
62 photos
Created 24-May-21
Modified 24-May-21
00045. Royal Parade & 37-49 Montpelier Vale

00046. Montpelier Vale - Nos 12-36

Visitors 312
51 photos
Created 24-Apr-24
Modified 24-Apr-24
00046. Montpelier Vale - Nos 12-36

00047. Tranquil Vale - East side

Visitors 149
72 photos
Created 31-Jan-25
Modified 31-Jan-25
00047. Tranquil Vale - East side

00048. Village Centre - Prospects to the North

Visitors 188
22 photos
Created 27-Mar-24
Modified 27-Mar-24
00048. Village Centre - Prospects to the North

00049. Village Centre

Visitors 532
24 photos
Created 13-Apr-24
Modified 13-Apr-24
00049. Village Centre

00050. Village Centre - Prospects to the North

Visitors 145
29 photos
Created 22-Sep-24
Modified 22-Sep-24
00050. Village Centre - Prospects to the North

00051. Blackheath Grove

Visitors 265
52 photos
Created 27-Mar-24
Modified 27-Mar-24
00051. Blackheath Grove

00052. Blackheath Village, 1-13 Brunswick Place.

Visitors 473
62 photos
Created 1-Aug-24
Modified 1-Aug-24
00052. Blackheath Village, 1-13 Brunswick Place.

00053. Blackheath Village, No 4 - 12 (not 10), 14-34 (inc Railway Tavern

Visitors 423
55 photos
Created 22-Sep-24
Modified 22-Sep-24
00053. Blackheath Village, No 4 - 12 (not 10), 14-34 (inc Railway Tavern

00054. Collins Square, Collins St., Camden Row, Mary Evans, Hurren Close, Southvale Rd, All Saints Hall

Visitors 108
65 photos
Created 13-Jun-24
Modified 13-Jun-24
00054. Collins Square, Collins St., Camden Row, Mary Evans, Hurren Close, Southvale Rd, All Saints Hall

00055. Wemyss Road, Blackheath HS, Bath Place

Visitors 398
30 photos
Created 27-Mar-24
Modified 27-Mar-24
00055. Wemyss Road, Blackheath HS, Bath Place

00056. Brigade St, Tranquil Passage

Visitors 164
35 photos
Created 30-Apr-24
Modified 30-Apr-24
00056. Brigade St, Tranquil Passage

00057. Alexandra Hall, Bennett Park, Cresswell Park

Visitors 165
40 photos
Created 31-Jul-24
Modified 31-Jul-24
00057. Alexandra Hall, Bennett Park, Cresswell Park

00059. Blackheath Art Club, 47 Bennett Park

Visitors 193
49 photos
Created 24-Sep-24
Modified 24-Sep-24
00059. Blackheath Art Club, 47 Bennett Park

00061. Lee Road (Beaconsfield Buildings)

Visitors 302
36 photos
Created 22-Sep-24
Modified 22-Sep-24
00061. Lee Road (Beaconsfield Buildings)

02043. Tranquil Vale, 51-63

Visitors 97
9 photos
Created 26-Mar-24
Modified 26-Mar-24
02043. Tranquil Vale, 51-63

02065. Blackheath Proprietary School and Selwyn Court

Visitors 430
28 photos
Created 22-Mar-24
Modified 22-Mar-24
02065. Blackheath Proprietary School and Selwyn Court

02066. Rink Hall, Blackheath Grove

Visitors 151
20 photos
Created 22-Sep-24
Modified 22-Sep-24
02066. Rink Hall, Blackheath Grove

02142. Blackheath Conservatoire, School of Art

Galleries 2
Modified 13-Jun-22
108 photos
02142. Blackheath Conservatoire, School of Art