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When Richard Heason was director of the Halls Tom Butler designed and printed posters for all the classical music concerts for 2 years from 2002 to 2003. 'Payment' was in the form of two tickets for every one of the concerts. No one was doing posters for the Halls at that time so Tom decided to do something about I and has continued to produce advertising materials ever since.

There were many more classical events in those days. In the Spring of 2004 there were 11 Sunday morning concerts and 11 Monday lunchtime concerts, all given by students at Trinity College which had recently moved to Greenwich but had not yet taken over the Halls.

30020. Tom Butler - General

Visitors 11
0 photos
Created 13-Jun-22
Modified 13-Jun-22

30021. Tom Butler - Matthew Taylor Music Appreciation Classes

Visitors 17
0 photos
Created 13-Jun-22
Modified 13-Jun-22

30022. Music Posters, 2011-2018

Visitors 30
0 photos
Created 13-Jun-22
Modified 13-Jun-22

30023. Season's Posters

Visitors 2
0 photos
Created 13-Jun-22
Modified 13-Jun-22